Hello C.S. Dorsey

Ep #182: Do you need an intro and outro for your podcast?

Candice Dorsey

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In this episode, I dive into the nitty-gritty of podcast intros and outros. 

Do you really need them when you're just starting out? Spoiler: Not really. 

I talk about the importance of a good trailer and keeping things simple in the beginning. 

You'll also hear my own experiences, including hiring someone on Fiverr and using royalty-free music from Pixabay. 

Whether to use intros and outros is a personal choice, but be careful not to burn out with all the bells and whistles. 

Tune in to get practical tips and a friendly nudge towards simplicity. 

00:16 The Importance of a Podcast Trailer

00:43 When to Add an Intro and Outro

01:06 Creating and Using Intros and Outros

02:04 Personal Experience with Intros and Outros

03:25 Keeping It Simple and Avoiding Burnout

 If you're a coach, consultant, course creator, service provider, or author, and want to launch your podcast to grow your business and audience and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/

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Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-2:

Do you need a intro and outro for your podcast? So is Anton ultra necessary for your podcast? The short answer is. Mm, no, not really. Especially when you're starting out now, here's the thing I will recommend. Doing a trailer, a trailer will basically give what your podcast is going to be about who you are. What they can expect. As far as like how many episodes is going to be published, is this gonna be every week is every week on Tuesdays, every week on Thursday that you're going to be doing that facades. And like a mini call to action, like to subscribe or sign up. So having a trailer will be awesome for this. In the beginning, I will say no having a intro and outro is not really necessary because the thing of it is you are mixing audio and It is very important to keep this process in the beginning as smooth as possible. I'm all about simplicity in the beginning. Now, as you continue to grow, you can then mix in a intro and outro. So your intro and your outro will be a prerecorded. Snippet of what the park has, who you are, what the podcasts about, and then the outro would be something like, Hey, if you liked this episode, definitely let me know, leave me a review. And I love people. Follow me on Instagram. You can send me a DM. Here's my Instagram handle. Okay. So that would be the outro. Those are the two difference. And what you will do is you within prerecord, those. And then you would add those audios in the beginning, and then in the end of your of your podcast, and I've seen some people they'll do an intro of the podcast, they will do their intro or their theme music. After they have introduced the episode and then they'll go into their episode. And then at the end, they'll have the regular or normal call to action. I've done both. I've done it all. So in the beginning I actually pay someone on Fiverr. To do my intro and my outro for me. And then I added the music from Pixabay Pixabay is free. You can actually use. Their music. They have royalty free music, instrumental music that you can. Use, and you can add into the background of your intro and your outro. So I pay someone on Fiverr to do my intro and my outro, and then I add a music myself on there. And then what I did was every time I do my episode, I will plug in. So I'm mixing, so I will plug in the intro that the person did for me. And then at the end I will add, yeah, I'll trouble. I be personally starting off, I probably would just have record, like I'm doing now. I would have just recorded my episode. And then, you know, baked in my call to action at the end, with the episode, then as I got more and more into it and develop my own flow for my podcasts, then I would have added an intro and then added an outro. So as you go along, you will grow over time. Now some people probably like can, is what you're saying is wrong. But they're not me. And they don't see what I see. Everybody wants to teach bells and whistles. Like you need to have your intro, you have your outro, you need to plug in an ad. You need to be doing a couple of ads. That can lead to burnout. And it led to burnout for me, which is why I had a total of three VAs in my lifetime doing my podcast. I no longer have in many more due to budget But. I do everything myself. When you're doing things yourself, you're thinking to yourself, what is the simplest thing as possible? I do recommend if you do want to do your intro and outro. If you can do it, if you have it within your budget, have somebody on fiber do it. They have plenty of people who do voiceovers. And have them do it for you then that way all you got to do is just. Just plug it in. So that's what I did when I first started off is I had someone recorded for me and I just plug it in. I no longer use that one because my podcasts have grown so much over time. I've evolved over time but trying to elevate. My message a little bit more. So that's the reason why I no longer have the intro that I used to have. If you listen to my earlier episodes, you would definitely hear it. But I no longer have that anymore. I just like to keep it simple, deliver my message, help people, and that's pretty much it. So that's the reason why I don't do all those fancy bells and whistles. I'm not deterring you from doing that. You can definitely do the fancies. My thing is, and what I've seen. In the past is you could easily get burned out. So keep it simple. Hey, so. Like I say. It's totally up to you, but I would highly recommend. Recording your trailer. Do your trailer have that uploaded, then at least people will know, you know, who you are. What's this podcast all about when they can expect it. And then a call to action is to subscribe. Or download the episode, at least she'll have that. And then you can go ahead and get rolling with your podcast episodes. So I hope this was helpful.

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Until the next episode. Bye.