Hello C.S. Dorsey

Ep #181: Part 2: How to use a podcast (and a popup Facebook group) for your online book launch

Candice Dorsey Episode 181

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In this episode, I focus on strategies for using podcasting and Facebook pop-up groups to launch your book online successfully. 

Building on part one, which covered in-person book launches using podcasts, this part delves into a five-day Facebook group book launch party. 

Key steps:

  1. Pre-recording excerpts
  2. Scheduling posts
  3. Engaging with your audience via live Q&As
  4. And offering prizes to boost participation. 

Additionally, create two QR codes for your book and podcast will help in seamless promotion. This method is a dual benefit—boosting both book sales and podcast subscriptions.

00:33 Using Podcasting for Online Book Launch

01:05 Setting Up a Facebook Pop-Up Group

01:30 Pre-Launch Preparations

02:20 Executing the Launch Party

03:06 Utilizing QR Codes for Promotion

If you're a coach, consultant, course creator, service provider, or author, and want to launch your podcast to grow your business and audience and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/

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Colin. Author's this episode is for you. So whether you're independent author or your author who has a publisher, but still need to market your book, I suggest she listened to. So the last episode, which was part one, I talked all about how to use a podcast for your in-person book launch this episode, which is part two. I will be talking about how to use podcasting and. A pop up Facebook group for your online book launch. I know. Hang on to your CS. This is going to be good. Okay. So, how do you use podcasting for your online book launch? This is going to be a double launch effect because we're talking about launching your book. And we also talking about launching your brand new podcast. If you don't already have your podcasts in motion. So, if you already have your podcasts in motion, technically your podcast is already launched. So you're actually going to use this strategy. To add episodes. With your current podcast. Hope that makes sense. Bear with me. Okay. So, what are you going to do? You're going to do a five day Facebook pop up group. Book launch party. So this is a five day Facebook pop-up group. Book launch party. Can you say that 10 times? I don't know why I wrote it like that, this is like a live challenge in a way. But this is actually a book launch style. Okay. So I'm going to break it all down for you. So don't worry. Take notes. Before the launch party, what you're going to do is you're going to prerecord five excerpts of your book. So this is actually an ex excerpt for each day of the five day launch party. Okay. Then, what you're going to do is you're going to drip out the episodes over five days via email, and you're going to post the link in the Facebook group. Okay. So what you could do is. You can schedule out your posts in the Facebook group, and then you can do at everyone you can only do at everyone. One time a day. Okay. Which is perfectly fine. So, what you're going to do is you're going to notify the people in your Facebook group that the audio is available to listen. And then later on, we're going to discuss the excerpt came. Stay with me. Okay. Then, what you're going to do is you're going to do a live Q and a discussing the book, and you're going to do some prizes as well. So you can give away like a signed copy of your book, who do Amazon gift card. Totally up to you. What type of prizes you want to giveaway? This is to ensure that people would show up. So you've got to make mention of the prizes that you're going to give away as well in the email. And you're going to talk about it in the Facebook group and the reminder. Okay. Make sure you set up events as well so that people can actually say that yes, they're gonna attend. Then that way, when you go live, they, they will get the notification that you're live. Are you going to be doing the Q and a Also what you're going to do is yes. To make life simple. What you're going to do. Is you are going to do two QR codes. Now I had you create a QR code for your book launch for your in-person signing. To put in your book or your business card or your postcard. Right? So what you're actually going to do is you're going to create two QR codes. You're going to create one QR code for your boat, wherever they can purchase it. And then another one for your podcast so they can read along. Okay. With these QR codes in Canva, Canva. Totally free use Canva. You're going to place both QR codes. On your Facebook. Group cover. So you do have to create a Facebook group cover. You're going to put both of the QR codes on the Facebook group cover. Now I suggest put them on each end and they kind of labeled them at the top. What exactly? Eight is four. Okay. Then that way, those who are in the group instead of you, like definitely send the link to the book and the podcast in the group and the email as well. But just in case I'm writing re email. Just in case and no one is paying attention, you will have it right there. So when I go into the group, they can actually just use their phone, take a snapshot of it and then go to the link directly. Okay. So this required no fancy tech. All you have to do is just go. Live in the group and that's it. It doesn't require no special nothing. Okay. So just use Facebook live and just go live in a group. Answer questions, give out prizes. This is like a, I want to say a low key, but this is a low, stressful way. To launch your book and to. You know, get to know your readers and engage with them and make book sales. And then get new subscribers. So this is actually, like I said, A double win because not only will you begin people to purchase your book. You will also be getting people to subscribe to your podcasts. Genius. Right. You know, so funny. I really wish I would have done this for my book launch. I launched my book and 2011, I self published it I'm marketed so much and I did book blog tours. Some of you know, my story. And thinking about. The tools that are available now versus then. I wish I had these tools then, or I wish I would have utilized them. Cause I'm pretty sure they were starting to come up, people really wasn't utilizing them. I really wish I had done this. When I launched my book, I'm having a face book. Pop-up group temporarily. Doing some sort of challenge or something like that. With my Facebook group, I've seen people do that, but I've only seen people do parties. For like jury They'll open up a group, and they'll have like a jury launch party or something like that. I was like, oh, that's cool. But Really didn't take advantage of it, or really didn't realize that that can actually work for me. So I'm telling you now, definitely do this. If you want to market your book. Or any other product I won't go into and into it really deep. But if you were thinking about launching something. Do a Facebook pop-up group five days. Invite people engage with them. I'm telling you the engagement will be so awesome and so amazing. It's an awesome energy that you get from being on live and doing these Facebook group challenges. All I for your, for your books. So I hope this was helpful. So just to recap, What you're going to do is you're going to open up a Facebook pop-up group. Okay. You're going to go live in there. You're going to prerecord five excerpts of your book. And then you're going to drip those out over the five days. You're going to do a live Q and a each day talking about the book. Give it away, some prizes. Okay. And then you're gonna have created your two QR codes in Canva. On your Facebook group, cover photo or group cover graphic. And then you're going to have one for your book and then one for your podcasts for people to subscribe. No fancy tech is needed. it's just go live directly into Facebook. That's it. I hope this was helpful. I'm so excited about this topic. And let me know if you actually did some of the strategies and par one or part two, and I would love to hear for you. And definitely if you have an entrepreneur friend or an author friend, who's getting ready to launch a book, product or service let them know about my podcast and if you have any questions, feel free to DM me. I will leave my Instagram link. Until the next episode you take care. Bye.