Hello C.S. Dorsey

Ep #180: Part 1 - How to use a podcast for your in-person book launch

Candice Dorsey

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In this fun and insightful episode, I dive into how authors can leverage podcasting to supercharge their in-person book launch events.

Whether you’re self-published or traditionally published, discover genius strategies to record and promote excerpts of your book through a podcast and create immersive content for your readers.

I share tips on using QR codes and Canva-generated business cards and postcards to add an extra layer to your podcast during book signings, festivals, and more.

Stay tuned for part two, where I’ll explore using podcasting for your online book launch!

00:38 Why Launch a Podcast Before Your Book
00:59 Creating Podcast Content from Your Book
01:28 Using QR Codes to Promote Your Podcast
03:18 Designing Promotional Materials
04:44 Publishing and Scheduling Your Podcast Episodes

 If you're a coach, consultant, course creator, service provider, or author, and want to launch your podcast to grow your business and audience and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/

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Colin all authors. This episode is for you. This is going to be a two part episode for my authors on how to use podcasting for your book launch. But this episode in particular, Is gonna be how to use podcasts. For your in-person book launch, and then part two will be how to use podcasting for your online book. So, whether you're an independent author or if you're an author who has a publisher, but still need to market your book on your own. Then listen to this episode is for you. Okay. So I'm going to talk about how to use your podcast launch for your book launch. Okay. So. I came up with this idea. It was genius idea of, you know, that's just how I am. And I had a client, she was getting ready to do a book launch and she decided, I'm going to launch my podcast after my book launch. I said no. I said, do your podcast before your book launch, I say, because what you're going to do is you're going to read. For X SERPs, you're going to recall four X excerpts from your book, and you're going to have those episodes live. And then when you go in. In person to actually do your book signing. Then, what you're going to do is you're going to have your business card or you're going to have a postcard. With the QR code of your podcast so that people can actually take a picture of the QR code and then go to your podcast and you say, Hey. I'm going to insert this in the book and then you could do a read along. And she was like, oh, that's very interesting. So this is very good, especially if your podcasts. Is the same or similar to a book that you've written. It doesn't have to be the exact same. It doesn't have to your podcast. Doesn't have to be the overarching theme of your book. But if you have a book, especially a nonfiction book, this is a great way to actually introduce your podcast. This is a great for bookstores. Like you've doing signings at bookstores. If you do on Tablelands, like there's an event or a festival and you were showcasing your book during this event. Which is a tabling. Or if you're doing a in-person reading for like clubs, libraries, et cetera, you can definitely use this strategy. So what you're going to do is. If you already have your podcast, you can still do this, but if you want to launch your podcast at the same time as you launch your book, you can do this. Okay. So what you want to do is you want to record for excerpts of the book. So it could be like maybe three or four pages or how many ever pages you want to read do like a real long, and then after you're done, you kind of explain what's going on. With the pages that you've read, right. So you do four excerpts. So you're going to do one excerpt. Podcasts for each four of those four excerpts. This is, this is your launch. This is your book launch. It's going to be like a read along with me. Came then what you want to do is you want to create a QR code for your podcast and you can definitely do this in canvas super easy. Then, what you want to do is you want to create a business car or you can create a postcard or however you want to do it. With the picture of the book, you as the author, your picture, and then the QR code When people buy the book. Have this inside the book. And then say, Hey, here's a QR code. You can read along with me and then have them take a picture of the QR code and then they can download and subscribe to your podcast. Make sure you mentioned that on. The postcard or the business card as well. And then take the business card. Or the postcard and stick it in the book. Okay. So when you're doing your book signers, that's already there and then they can pull it out. They could take a picture of it with their phone and then they can download your podcasts and read along. So let's say people know you're, you're assigning the book. Okay. And then you say, Hey, I have a podcast where I'm doing a read along and I explained the content of the book more in depth, subscribe and follow along. Boom. Just as simple as that. Okay. You could create this all on Canva completely free, and then you can actually order the business cards or the postcards through Canva and have them send them to you, then that way you have them. And then you can stick them all in the book. Okay. What a great way to launch your podcast. So when you launch your podcast, if you launch your podcast the same time as your book launch, do your readings or excerpts first, you can do one of two things. You could go ahead and publish all four of them. Then that way they will be ready or you can drip them out. It's totally up to you how you want to do it, or you can drip them out every day. Okay. But this is a great way to introduce your book and then that way your readers can't immerse him more into your book as well. And not only that, they listen to it to your podcast. So it's like a mini audio book. For your book using your podcast? So let's recap which want to do is you're going to record for excerpts of the book could be a couple of pages. Don't have to be very long. You're either going to publish all four of the excerpts, or you're going to schedule those out. You're going to create a QR Cole using Canva for your podcast, and then you're going to create a business car or postcard with the QR code on it. It doesn't have to be fancy. You can do white background something generic, but make sure you have. A picture of the book and then a picture of you. On the postcard or on the business card as well. Okay. And you're going to take the postcard or the business card and you are going to insert these in the book. You can do everything on Campbell. Like I say, I keep saying that I know, right. You could do everything on Canva and you can actually have Canver. Print them for you and deliver it so easy peasy, right? So next episode, which will be part two, I'm going to be talking all about how to use podcasting for your online book launch. So hope this episode has been helpful. Let me know. And if you are author, show me some love my authors. I'm an author as well. Show me some love, share this episode with a fellow author or fellow friend. I hope you got some golden nuggets out of this. So yeah, definitely uses and let me know when you use, okay. Until the next episode, take care. Bye.