Hello C.S. Dorsey
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Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep #178: How many episodes do you launch when you start your podcast?
In this episode, we discuss the number of episodes to launch with when starting your podcast.
I share my recommendation to start with four episodes to prevent burnout, compared to the more commonly suggested eight episodes.
Additionally, I provide strategies for repurposing content from your Facebook lives into podcast episodes and outline the content for your first four episodes.
Don't forget to check out my podcast launch guide below!
00:07 Repurposing Content for Your Podcast
00:48 How Many Episodes to Launch With
03:02 Batch Recording Strategies
04:28 Content Ideas for Initial Episodes
06:18 Using Existing Content
If you're a coach, consultant, course creator, service provider, or author, and want to launch your podcast to grow your business and audience and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/
Follow Me on Instagram: @csdorsey_hello
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Well, welcome back to another episode of the hello. C-stores. Dorsey podcast. So in today's episode and keep them with the theme. That, uh, of the questions that I get asked during my bootcamp, what I do is I take the questions that people ask in the Facebook. The live Facebook chat and I take those questions and I create podcast episodes out of them answering those questions. So, um, this is actually a really great way to repurpose content. And if you ever want to know, like, What your podcast content should be about, or what should you usually talk about? Definitely use this strategy, especially if you do Facebook lives and you have a group, you could pull those questions and you could create. Episodes out of that. So, but that's not what we're talking about. Today, we want to be talking about how many episodes do you start with when you launch a podcast? Um, I recommend for. Some people say you need to have a least. Eight episodes when you launch a podcast. And that is, that could be the case. But for me, I like to say four because I don't want my students or my clients getting burnt out before they even launch. Okay. Eight episodes could be a bit, much, it's a heavy load. Um, people probably like, well can, as you. Villanova's talk about eight is a great number to launch and Hey, that's. That's awesome. You know, that's you, but for me, I like to keep it like less stressful and I like to keep it doable for my students. So when he asks, how many episodes should I start off launching with? I would say four, four is a sweet number. It will help you get going. It will definitely help you get in the groove of things. And then when you get ready to launch your next four, you can say, okay, well, I can add an extra two during my bot. My badging process. And I could add a extra two when I'm recording and then I'll have six episodes are ready to recorded when I schedule those outs. So it's totally up to you how you want to do it after that. But I think four is a great, comfortable, And, um, low, stressful way when you're launching. I love to. Give low. Stressful. Uh, low energy. Uh, so you won't have to use up so much of your time to, uh, create the episodes to record the episodes. And if you listen to my previous episodes where I talked about how long should your podcast be? It is totally up to you. You can do 15 minutes. If you do 15 minutes for each episode, you're recording only an hour time. So you take one hour out of your day to record those four episodes, which will be the four episodes that you launch, or if you're batching and, um, that's just one hour out of your day, opposed to having hours out of your day. Okay. Um, I listened to Amy Porterfield's podcast and I'm in her list. Builders society. Uh, program as well as media for other programs. And she does. Eight episodes. She batch eight episodes. And I don't know if she, I think she batched him in a day. Or I think she takes two days to batch them, but she does. Eight. At a time, every time she's batching. And not to mention she's doing too. Episodes. A week. So then it was eight. It's probably 12 now because she has her interview episodes generally like on, on Tuesdays. And then she had her shorty episodes on Thursday. I might switch that or flip that around, but, uh, she's doing two episodes a week now. She couldn't do that because she has the bandwidth and she has a team behind her. I'm a little old me. You're a little, you, you're the only ones doing this in this game. Okay. In this podcast game. So I like to have it as low, stressful as possible to where as though. You can do this yourself without actually hiring someone. And then you can hire someone later on down the road. When you get to the level. Were you able to do so, but for me, I like to teach. Four episodes when you launch. Um, and people ask, well, what do I talk about? So, so many different things that you can talk about. But in my podcast launch guide, I will link it in the show notes. There is a page where it says your first four episodes. Okay. And here's some tips to talk about for your forte first four episodes. So I haven't laid out what you can talk about in each episode, just to get the momentum going. So in your first episode and some of my students lie well, Candice, for the first episode. Couldn't this be a trailer. Any can be, it definitely can be. So for the first episode, You can talk about what the podcast is going to be about. You give highlights of what your listeners can expect. And the upcoming episodes. You'll talk about how many episodes you're going to be delivering. Is it going to be one episode weekly, two episodes. A week. Or, um, how often you are going to be published and you could talk about that. You could do that in the trailer as well. So that could be like your trailer episode one. And then episode two, you will talk about you who you are. Your, quirks about you, family, for babies, anything you kind of like getting people to get to know you definitely tell them, you know, who you are, why you're qualified to do what you're doing. Any background stories, anything like that don't get into too, too deep. But, you want to talk about why you're qualified for teaching the topic or talking about the subject in your podcast? Okay. In episode three, it's time to get into the content. Here's where you kick off the content and you give listeners small portion so they can come back for more. And then episode four, you continue to deliver. And the rest of the content, you may want to add a guest expert to come in. Anything like that. Now here's. The here's the thing. If you've had previous content where you've did some sort of a presentation where you want to stay, or, uh, if you done some sort of training, like a Facebook live or anything like that, or if it was on a previous podcast and the holes. Gave her permission to utilize that content, to put on your podcast, you can actually bake and that content. And with your first couple of episodes. Okay. I know genius. Right? You can actually do that. So if you're like, well, I don't have time to record, but I have this content that I can repurpose. You could definitely do. So. I will say the beginning, introduce what the content is. So like for example, if we did a Facebook live, I was do like a little short. Recording. Kind of like explaining what this episode is about and where you're at, just so they won't be like, um, is she outside? Or, you know, Kind of like, is this an event or what is this? In the BNN episode, just kind of explain, Hey, in this episode, Um, I did a Facebook live and I wanted to share with you guys. And we talked about XYZ, break it down, summary kind of like a summer summarization and then say, okay, we're getting ready to go into the episode. Here you go. Into, the Facebook live and then you presented. And the audio form. So there's so many different ways you can do this, but the, your first four episode. Great kickoff. Great way to launch her podcast. I've had people do it. Some people did it their own way, which is perfectly fine. But it's in the podcast launch guide and I will link it up in the show notes. Okay. So I hope this episode was helpful. And like I stated, if you are a coach course creator service provider, Launching a podcast will be an excellent way for you to build a momentum. Generate leads generate business for your service provider business. It will be a great way for you to get, listeners amplify your message, whatever your goal is. Podcasts is a great way to do that. So, like I said before, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. The link is in the show notes. I hope this was helpful and we will continue on with questions that I get in my boot camps. So stay tuned and I will talk to you on the next episode. Bye.