Hello C.S. Dorsey
Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep #175: If you’re struggling with starting your podcast, this is the problem...
In this episode, I discuss common reasons individuals struggle with starting a podcast, emphasizing the importance of a clear objective and purpose.
I share my journey into podcasting, motivated by a desire to have deeper conversations with authors and highlight the long-term value and fun of creating evergreen content.
00:00 Introduction: Struggling to Start Your Podcast?
00:30 Identifying Your 'Why' for Podcasting
02:00 My Personal Podcast Journey
04:26 The Importance of Consistency and Content
06:25 Evergreen Content and Its Benefits
07:25 Launching Your Podcast: Tips and Resources
If you're a coach, consultant, course creator, service provider, or author, and want to launch your podcast to grow your business and audience and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/
Follow Me on Instagram: @csdorsey_hello
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If you are struggling with starting your podcast, and this is your problem. Welcome back to another episode of the helices Dorsey podcast. I'm sorry. I protect you on today. Um, today, I'm going to talk about reasons why. People struggle with starting a podcast. And this may be you. This may not be you, but, um, Sarna POC has definitely have to have a why behind it. And the number one reason is there's no objective. There's no reason why you want to start a podcast. You see other people having a podcast and it looks great. Looks Polish. Look successful and you're like, yeah, yeah, I can do it. But the problem is. There is no. Why. Behind starting your podcast. Some people say, well, I want to use podcasts to monetize. I want to do it to have some sort of lead magnet. Um, a lot of my students have a podcast so that they can have a resource to refer, um, their clients or their customers to. So they can get the answers, like if they have questions or if there are questions that you hear over and over from your clients, students, or whatever you're doing in your business, you can definitely have a podcast answering those questions and just say, Hey. Go to episode number 80 or go to episode number one 20. And that is where I actually answer the question in full detail, full episode, all good stuff. So. So, um, No matter what you have to get clear on your why for starting a podcast. And you also have to actually ask yourself, what is the goal here? What's the angle, what's the beginning goal. What are you trying to achieve when you starting your podcast and what is your objective? Okay. So when I started off, my goal was to have a conversation with authors, um, because I had a blog. Some of you may know this story. I had a blog where. I promoted other authors on my blog and I used to book blog tours and everything. I'm an author, by the way, I wrote my book in 2010 and then I wrote a few little books after that. A few novelists after that. And I just got immersed into the self-publishing world and just loved the world so much. I love promoting other authors. On my blog we'll do author interviews or showcase their book. It was a lot of fun, but the problem was it's like I send them an email and then I say, okay, send me your interview questions. They asked to your interview questions by de date. And then we will like have like a three-day book blog tour, and then that's when they would tell their audience, Hey, here's my tour stops. Go to this particular ball blog on this day, we're going to go to this particular blog. So it was fun. It was definitely fun. But I like to have the conversations. Like I like to actually sit and talk to people. Um, I don't know if you've been at any of my challenges, workshops or any of my Facebook lives or anything, but I love to talk. That wasn't always the case, but as I've gotten older, I definitely love to talk. So I wanted to have conversation with these people. I wanted to like dive deep into the real reason why they. Wrote the book or the real reason why they created these great characters in their books. So that was my goal. That was my objective. I wanted to just have a conversation. It wasn't too. Create ads. It wasn't to monetize my, my podcasts. I really didn't understand that part until later on until I had my podcasts. I'm like, oh, I can monetize this. Okay. And I hear people making money off their podcasts all the time. When they have like a big, huge audience, that's fine and dandy. But, um, I just wanted to have a conversation and I wasn't big on like hidden. Big audacious numbers and big listeners. I'm like, Hey, if I have 10 listeners, Listen to my podcast. I'm totally okay with that because those 10 listeners are coming back and listening. For more. Okay. I definitely do say that you need a call to action. Have your listeners do something right after the podcast episode? That's always helpful, but if you want to just have a podcast like. A true crime podcast or how podcasts, where you talk about Disney. I see that a lot have pockets where you talk about cats or, you know, Cat videos. This is the cat video blow up podcast. Um, but just have fun with it. Like I see. Listen and see a lot of fun podcasts and people listen to it and it doesn't have to be serious all the time. You can be creative with your podcasts. As long as you have listeners. You can actually, if you like, well, I don't want to do YouTube videos, but I do want to do something every day. Um, to talk to people, you could just do a daily podcast and. Share your opinions, share gas and just have a conversation over coffee. I love those types of podcasts. It's just a laid back conversational. And that is totally the key. Do you, so what is your objective? What is your, why was your goal for starting a podcast? Um, do you have topics related to the content that you can talk about for at least a year? So. Uh, I see a lot of people starting their podcasts and they don't. Keep the momentum going like they have like maybe four or five episodes and then they stop. Um, That's a, that's definitely a sign that you don't know what you're doing this for. Or you could have got busy, you know, you definitely have to have a dry for this. This content is a long game type of thing. Um, it's not a social media. Platform. It is definitely not. This is. Uh, content that has a longer shelf life. And that's the reason why I love podcasting because I could have somebody, um, five years down the line, find my podcast and then just say, oh, This is cool. This is interesting. And start listening to all my episodes. So it's an evergreen content that lasts. And that's exactly what I teach when I do my challenges in bootcamps, I teach them and let them know this is content that can last. So definitely hone in on this type of content, because you'll have a longer shelf life and you don't have to worry about the algorithms switching up and, you know, I'm doing all kinds of weird things. So. Definitely think about it. Um, I, I am a firm believer of having a podcast. It is so much fun. I love having guests on, and it's just a great way to offer your service, your products and the things you have in your business. And. So with that being said, if you're a coach consultant course creator or a service provider, and you want to launch your podcast. And grow your business, your audience, and amplify your message. I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. So I will link that up in the show notes show. Those below. And definitely download that get started. This is really good for service providers as well. I mean, If you'll I don't cold call in. I would only say start a podcast because, um, I, at least your potential clients out there can actually listen to you and see what you're all about. You can teach on here. Um, and it's just a great way for them to learn more about you connect with you and actually want to book a call with you. So definitely download that podcast LA. Uh, podcast launch guide. And, um, get started with your podcast today. It doesn't take a lot of time is not a whole lot of equipment. Like people think that it is. And, uh, it's just a great way to connect with their audience and gain visibility and it get more listeners for your podcast. So I hope this episode was helpful and I'm so happy to have you listen to today. And if you liked this. So go ahead and give me a review, leave a review and, uh, let me know how I like this episode. Or you can take a snapshot of this episode. Where are you? Where are we listening? And you can tag me on Instagram. My Instagram handle is C S. Dorsey underscore. Hello. Take care. And you have a wonderful day. Bye.