Hello C.S. Dorsey
Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep #174: How to record your podcast even if you're on your lunch break
In this episode, I return from an inspiring five-day podcast launch challenge and introduce my new program, 'Overwhelmed on Air.' I'll be sharing valuable insights over the next few episodes, starting with how to record a podcast during your lunch break.
Discover five simple tips to make the most of your lunch hour and create engaging content without overspending on equipment. This episode is perfect for aspiring podcasters looking to efficiently integrate podcasting into their busy schedules.
00:00 Welcome Back and Podcast Launch Recap
01:00 Answering Your Podcast Questions
01:54 How to Record Your Podcast on a Lunch Break
03:11 Five Tips for Recording on a Lunch Break
06:20 Recap and Encouragement
06:52 Free Podcast Launch Guide
If you're a coach, consultant, Course creator, or service provider and want to launch your podcast to grow your business, audience, and amplify your message, I have a podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and foundation for your podcast. ➡️https://learn.hellocsdorsey.com/
Follow Me on Instagram: @csdorsey_hello
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Well, welcome back to another episode of the helices Dorsey park. Has I have been gone? Yes, I have. I just came off a five day podcast launch challenge, which was so amazing. So awesome. So shout out to everyone who joined the challenge, who was engaged. It was the most fun challenge said. I've had in so long. So I'm really excited about that. I introduced my new program, overwhelmed on air to help those who want to launch your podcast in 30 days. It was so amazing. I'm really happy about that. And yeah, so I will be having a, another challenge is not going to call it a challenge. It's going to call a bootcamp. I will announce that soon, but it has been a blast. So I'm back. Okay. I know, I haven't been recorded a couple of episodes in couple of weeks, but I'm definitely back. So what I'm going to do. Throughout these next couple of episodes is I'm actually going to go over some questions that people were in the challenge had. And I took those questions that they were asking, and I'm going to answer those here in the podcast. So this isn't going to be your typical Candice podcast that is going to be so solo episodes. And they're going to be roughly, maybe five or 10 minutes. I'm not going to be on here very long, these next couple of episodes, but I want to definitely answer the questions that. A lot of people in the challenge where I seen. Ask and, you know, keep coming up. I want to ask those and these next podcast episodes. I'm going to do this probably, maybe the next eight episodes, the questions. And then I'm going to ask for those. As well. Today's episode is going to be how to record your podcast, even if you're on your lunch break. I. Started my podcast. Most of you know, the story. I started my podcast in my car. On my lunch while I was working my nine to five. And yes, it was the hardest thing that I ever had to do, but it was also the easiest, less stressful thing that I had to do. Had to figure out things along the way, but doing it on my lunch time definitely gave me the time. That I needed to actually record. Because a lot of people think they, you need to record an hour long podcast and that is just not true. You can have a two minute podcasts. You can have a 15 minute podcast. It's totally up to you. How long your podcast should be. And I will be having a podcast episode on that coming soon to talk about how long your podcast should be. But it doesn't really have to be. That long. Okay. And also tell me, people spend way too much money on launching their podcasts and think they have to have all the fixings and everything. And that's not true either. All you really need is your phone and a voice note app. I tell people all the time, that's all you need. So I'm going to give you five tips on how to record your podcast while you're on your lunch break. So if you have 45 minute lunch break, you could record your podcast in 15 minutes and then eat your lunch. The rest of the 30 minutes, then. And this is a great way just to. I feel is very therapeutic. It really is just to talk to you guys and just have that space to just be able to take that time, especially in the middle of the day, while you're. Working. It is very, it. Is very. I wouldn't say exciting or rewarding, but it does give you some sense of release to kind of like. Be somewhere else other than work just for a moment. So here are five tips on how to record your podcasts while you're on your lunch break. So number one, What'd you want to do is go ahead and grab that sticky note off your desk. Okay. Or get a little outline book or, I mean, get a notebook. Or something where you can actually create a mini outline with a call to action. You don't need a big binder, big notebook or anything like that. What I'm looking right now in front of my face is a sticky note with line paper on it. I mean, with lines on it. Grabbed one of those. And then just start jotting down a quick mini outline. Okay. So your outline should definitely be your podcast title. Three main points, summary call to action. That's it. Okay. Then number two, you want to gain your car? So getting your car, if it's hot, I'm recording this at, during the summertime. So it's probably really hot. But go somewhere quiet. Maybe you're, you're the only one in a break room, or just walk around outside. You can definitely do that. Especially if you're working in some sort of like business type environment where. It's not very noisy. It's not industrial. You could just walk around and it's pretty quiet do that. Okay. If you don't want to get in your car because it's too hot. Number three, get your phone out and download the voice note app. I know that. With with Android and iPhone, they both definitely have some sort of free download where you can download the voice, a voice note app, so you can record your voice. Okay. Download that. I know there's one for free. You might get a whole bunch of ads pop up, but that's okay. All you need is something to record. Okay. Number four. Start recording. 1510 minutes. That's it. That's all you need. Definitely have that call to action at the end, though. What do you want people to do after they listened to your episode? And then number five, save it. And go back to work. That's it. That's it, if it ain't up there, but five minutes do it. Just do it just so you can have something and you can get started. Okay. If you do this every day for five days on your lunch break. Oh, whatever time you have, you will have five weeks of podcast content. Okay. So don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. So let's recap. Number one. Get a sticky dump. Create a mini outline with this call to action. Getting your car. Get your phone out. Download the voice note app. Start recording. 5 10, 15 minutes. I will say 15 minutes will be the cutoff. Safe and go back to work. That's it. Do it every day for five days, you've had five weeks, a podcast content. So you have like a month. And a week. Of podcast content right there that you can publish. So if you're a coach consultant course creator or service provider, And you want to launch your podcast so you can grow your business, your audience, and amplify your message. I have a free. Podcast launch guide that will help you set the tone and the foundation for your podcasts. The link is in the show notes. Are you going to do this? I want you to commit. I want you to say yes, Candice, I'm going to do this. This is a quick and simple, easy way to launch a podcast. Okay. So until the next episode. I will talk to you then and take care. Bye.