Hello C.S. Dorsey
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Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep# 168: How to get sponsorship for your product or service
In this episode, I provide a detailed guide on securing sponsorships for your product or service, offering pitching tips, researching potential sponsors, and utilizing platforms like Podcorn to simplify the process.
If you want to know more book a free 15-minute Chat with Candice for personalized support on starting and managing your podcasts.
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Let's face it. Today's internet world is so saturated and everyone is fighting for that number one spot to be visible. It's no longer about running ads and having thousands of people on your email list. It's about building relationships and networking with others to grow your business and become visible. Hey there, my name is Candice. I help service-based business owners develop and deliver their message to the world by using platforms like podcasting and bringing valuable content to those who need to hear what they have to say. Welcome to the hello. Dorsey podcast. Hi everyone I'm, so excited I actually did it right in the stream yard this time in the group. This is so awesome Let me know in the comments if you can see and hear me I would love to know if you're watching say hey candace I can see and hear you Your mic isn't on mute. I'm streaming You In Facebook, my Facebook page. I'm streaming on my landing page. I'm streaming in YouTube. So I'm streaming everywhere. Okay. Yay. Lisa says hello. Hello. For some reason I can't see the Facebook comments there, but I can see Facebook comments over here. Yay. Hi Lisa. Hello. So happy you joined. Also, I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. It was wonderful. It wasn't as hot as I expected it to be. So that's really good. I live in the Dry Valley, so here between in Fairfield between San Francisco and Sacramento and California. So it wasn't as hot as I expected it to be, which is a good thing. So it's a good thing. So, yeah, it was just nice. Chill. Relax. I hope everyone had a great day. A wonderful time Memorial Day and just, you know, spent it with friends and family and ate really good food. That's most important. So I'm going to kick this this live stream off. I don't have anything formal. I do have slides because we are going to talk about and this was a special request from Lisa V. Thank you so much. If, if you have a topic, I've already pre written topics, but if you have a topic that you want me to go over, Please, please, please let me know. I can definitely do a live show on that topic. I would rather do topics that you guys have questions on versus me coming up with the topics for this live show. So like I said, I already have topics, but I will love, love, love, love. If you guys could. Give me the topics. If you're watching the replay, put hashtag replay down below and let me know and say, Hey, Candace, I would like for you to talk about X, Y, Z. I know a lot of people's gonna say the tech. That's always a topic of discussion, but yeah, so awesome. This isn't zoom guys. This is Stream yard that i'm using Okay Awesome. Welcome to the she launches pots live shows. It's totally live. So if you have any questions, put them in the comments, have any suggestions, anything, put it in the comments and let me actually do this. Let me bring my Facebook tab over here. Let's see, bring Facebook and StreamYard over here. And then I'm going to go ahead and present. I'm not going to present that one. Stop sharing. I love my technology and my tech hiccups. Share screen. Okay, I'm going to share this one. All righty, so once again, this is the she launches pods Live show where i'm going to be talking about podcasting content creation how to keep the momentum going in your Content creation process. I will throw a little business in here as well. And also I will be sharing topics that you give me as well. So it can be anything related to tech, podcasting, business, content creation. Even though it says she launches pods. I launch his business suit. Okay. So I'm going to hide this little scrolling bar down here and I'm going to hide this as well. And we're going to get into the slides. Okay. So, 1st of all, who in the world is this? Candace person? Well, if you don't know me, my name is Candace. I'm a podcast manager, the host of the hell seals, Dorsey podcast lover of all things. Online business, Disneyland, cat videos. Yes, I have to watch at least one cat video a night before I go to bed. That's just like my wind down, my decompress, all the things. I started my podcast in 2019 and I now have over 165 episodes. It's actually now 167, which I'm really excited about. And the one thing I'm known for is. Podcasting because I have a podcast. So that's how I became the expert in my niche. So I'm going to show you here the live show dates and times. This is a five episode pilot. What that mean is I'm actually going to retesting this out for five episodes just to see how it goes, just to see if you guys like it just to get the feedback and everything, and then I'll go from there after June 25th. Or on June 25th of that live show, I will let you know if I will continue this one or if it's like, okay, I did the research, you know, I did the analytics and you know, I might just stop it, but. Who knows, you know, this might be something that I continue on. I definitely love being live and I love being here with you guys and it's really it's it's really nice So hopefully I can keep it going for you guys, but we'll see how things go. Okay So how to tune in now if you're on youtube hello youtube fam You can actually go to my youtube channel is hello. C is dorsey and you can tune in there. You can also Post comments. I can actually see the comments from from YouTube on here, but I can't see the comments from Facebook. I will have to go through another tab, but I can still, still see everybody's comments. I just can't really show them. I think I can show the comments from YouTube, but not the ones from the Facebook group from my Facebook page. Yes, I can as well. But. It's all good. We can do the work around. You can also view the live show here in the Facebook group as well that she launches pods. You can request to join the group. You should come. We have fun. Okay. I do workshops and hang out. It's cool. They love it. Okay. Also my Facebook page she launches pause, which is brand new. I'm really excited about that. And you can also watch it via the link. The link is actually included in the email provided. So if you're on my email list you did receive that link and you're probably watching now on the landing page. Hello. And probably watching the replay on the landing page as well. Hi, so yeah, so you can actually watch this live show in four different places, which is really exciting. Awesome So without further ado I'm going to go to the questions here. Let's see so elisa asks, how are you collaborating all these streams? That's a good question. It's actually through stream yards I'm Streamy yard. I'm doing this. So I'm actually on one of the paid plans, which is$25 a month, and I link all my all my social media platforms to it. Now I'm not streaming on my LinkedIn and I'm not streaming on streaming on my regular Facebook page, which I should. But I kind of like keep things themed. So this is. My landing page that I created. So it looks like a regular webinar page that I created has its own link and everything. And I have it on my podcast, YouTube channel, and then I have it in my, She launches pods group. She launches pods page. So I kind of want to keep it themed. I really didn't want to show it on my personal page, which I might change that in the future. Who knows? Let's see. Will there be a, no workbook? No, this is all live. Take notes. Just take notes. There's no workbook involved at all. This is just a come chill with me type of live show every week. And I will be discussing if it's not topics that you guys come up with, I'll be discussing topics that I've come up with that I get a lot of questions on. So, all right. Does that answer your question? Let me know. Let me get a water. And these are not long like i'm not doing this for like a whole hour long This is probably going to be maybe I was gonna say 15 minutes, but it's actually 10 minutes right now That's probably gonna be like maybe 30 minutes and feel free to ask questions. I don't have you know, where you At the end you can ask questions. So ask questions during this live show. This is like you guys's live show I'm doing this for you guys Okay, if there's a topic that you ask questions on, like a continuation topic, then I can actually create a live stream based on that. And we'll discuss that topic deeper. Okay. Sounds good. You're welcome Lisa. Awesome. Keep those questions and comments going. I love it. Okay. All right. So this is the first topic. This is episode number one. I should have put that here at the top. That's okay. I'll do it next time. So we're gonna talk about how do you receive a sponsor support for your cause, product or services. So you can request sponsorships for your particular product, service, whatever it is that you're selling. You can actually request yourself rather than if you have a podcast. And sponsors come contact you, you can actually do the reverse. So, yes, it is possible. Okay. So, a couple of things I want you to think about before you get into deep into asking people to sponsor your product services or whatever you're offering is to think about what is the goal that you're trying to do? What? What is the reason why you are doing this? And I always every time I start off with anything, whether it be a workshop, a challenge or anything when I'm teaching, I always want you to think about why you're doing a certain thing because if you don't know why you're doing it or if you don't have a plan or if you don't have like some sort of Strategic step by step as to what you're doing and what the end result, the objective is, then there's no need to actually jump into it. You need to have a complete plan as to why you want to do. You know, request a sponsorship. So think about what is your goal? What are you trying to promote? That's very important. And when are you trying to launch it? Because if you have a launch timeframe and like a certain date, or it could be, well, I'm launching this thing for, let's say, doing a two week launch. Something like that. Then you want to definitely try and get as many sponsorships as possible and have all your sponsors on the same page for that two week period and have them promote Norfis for a month or whatnot. So those are the things you definitely want to think about. Okay. So I'm going to talk about 10 ways to get sponsorships and I'll go into these one by one. If you have any questions, definitely put the questions in the comments section. Okay. Awesome. Okay. Good. I'm still good. All right. So 10 ways to get sponsors. Okay. For your calls not actually request the request to make money from, to Advertise other people, but to get sponsors to advertise your event, your product and service. So number one, you can start with local businesses. So you can actually like maybe go into your chamber of commerce, look for businesses that are similar to your niche and just reach out to them. You know let them know, Hey, I have a event or whatnot, and I would like for you to sponsor this event. I probably should talk about this a little later, but when things come to me, I just have to say it. Make sure and I'll, I'll probably talk about this a little bit later. I do believe is in my slides, but make sure you have marketing material or something to give them. And we'll talk about that a little bit later, but you have to have something to give them so that they can promote because they're not going to create the materials and things themselves. So yes, I will talk about that a little bit later about having a marketing kit, but you definitely want to give them something. Okay. And make sure it aligns with what you're doing. As well. Okay. Look for number two, look for companies that are similar to your niche. Same way with businesses. You can do this online as well. Go into Facebook groups, go into Facebook groups that's in a similar niche and start asking people, you know you could do like You can do like a swap, like it doesn't have to be a sponsorship, but you can actually say, Hey, I need 10 people. I would like to have 10 people to promote this to your email list. And in exchange, I will do X, Y, Z. So you can actually do a swap to actually promote your service. This is like, I think the easiest way. To do it. You could do it that way and then have them promoted to their email list, whatever your product, your services. So look for Facebook groups. That is similar to your needs so that you can actually collaborate with those people. And a lot of those Facebook groups. They actually have. Promo days. They have days where you can promote, you know, a service or whatever it is you're trying to do. You can actually do that and then just get, you know, a collective of people. Make sure you actually, it's like a trade for trade type of thing. So don't just say, hey, can you do this? And then they're like, okay, what am I getting in return? Number four promotional partnerships. If you do that I was in alignable and I always talk about alignable. I love alignable and I met up with this one girl. She had her own business and she was actually met up with several people that want to do. partnerships. But she had her own business and we talked about doing a partnership and everything and she had the whole contract. What it's about how much you would get, you know, for referrals and different things like that. So you can actually build a promotional partnership. And then a lot of times the service based business world is called a referral partners. You can do that as well to To help with your sponsorships. Podcorn number 5 popcorn. I like popcorn because podcorn is a definitely good way for you to actually get started with with stating that you want us that you looking for sponsors through podcasting. So it's, it's so easy. I actually went through the whole platform, the interface and everything. It is so easy to have everything well laid out for you to enter it in. How much, what your budget is, everything. So definitely look at popcorn and I would definitely highly recommend popcorn, which is actually one of the slides. And I'm going to say I highly recommend popcorn to actually get started. If you want to, you know, dip your feet into it, but popcorn is a zero Percent leasing fee listing fee and 10 percent service fee. Okay. So if you want to say, well, I don't know, like, how I don't have time. I don't have time to actually reach out to local businesses and go into Facebook group and ask people and gather up promotional partners. You can actually go to popcorn because there's a lot of podcasters on that platform. And that platform is what Buzzsprouts which is the platform I use for my podcast. They actually promote popcorn. As well, so I've been through it through the interface. I get emails every week from popcorn. Let me know. What are the sponsorship opportunities? So I can actually go in there as a podcast host, go in there and see who are looking for sponsors for their product and I can see if it's something that I like, if it's something that I want to do. I, there's a way that you actually could communicate with, the person that needs to sponsor. So it is so super easy. So definitely check that out. Another place I actually looked number 6, I looked online and I actually saw this website and it says looking for sponsors. So, if you go to looking for sponsors dot com, you can actually go on there. And actually entering that you're looking for sponsors as well. So you can look at that website and check it out. It looked like it's pretty simple to use and sign up. So check that out. Number seven, you could go, you could go on Instagram. Look for influencers in your niche, send them a DM and say, Hey, I'm looking for a sponsor, or I would like to do a collaboration with you regarding my product. In exchange, you'll get a free X, Y, Z. Cause that's the only reason why they will actually do anything. You get a free X, Y, Z in exchange and see if they'll do that. See if they'll do a shout out, shout out about your product. Instagram is, is really good way to actually connect and collaborate. I get so many people. Send me a DM about wanting to send me free jewelry, wanting to send me free stuff if I talk about their product or services. Now let me remind you, I only have like 460 something people on my Instagram. So I'm like, did you not see the numbers? I don't have millions of people on there, but it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. So this is actually a good way to actually get your, your, your feet wet and put in the door to get started with influencers. I'm not an influencer, but. Apparently, you know, they still send me things. Number 8, you can go to gumball. fm. It is pricey. It's very pricey. We're talking about in the thousands of dollars. But I do want to mention that if it's something that you want to level up. And get really like one to create like an ad and have podcasters actually roll that ad on their podcast, especially podcasts that get millions and millions of downloads a month. You can do that, but like I say, it is pricey and it is in the thousands of dollars. ACAS. com. This is for sponsorships and advertising. So you can definitely look into that. And then number 10, Podbean Marketplace. You can go on Podbean. Podbean does podcasting and they do the sponsorships as well. You can look into that for. Your podcast, if you want to start launching your podcast and you're looking for software to actually do it, Podbean is really good. And also if you want to do a sponsorship with them as well, okay. Do you have any questions regarding these 10 sponsors? If you have any questions, definitely let me know below. Awesome. No questions. Okay, so, like I said, I recommend pod pod corn. There's too many pod things going on. I recommend pod corn to get started. So, definitely go there. It's a, it's an easier interface to, to use when you're getting started. I would highly recommend doing that. Okay, just podcorn. com. Okay. So the next thing is, well, Kansas is fine and dandy, but how do I pitch for my sponsorships? Okay, I'm actually going to show you an example of someone pitching to me and what the email look like. If you don't have to make this complicated. Okay. So first, what you want to do is you want to research the company that you want to host or have or connect or do a partnership for your product service or whatever it is that you're offering. You want to research potential sponsors. Sponsors, so research the company research potential sponsors in your niche, both of those in your niche. You want to customize your pitch for each brand. I cannot stress that enough. Do not create a template. And send them the template. Don't do that. You want to customize it for the company. Make sure you put their name on there. Just make it customizable to them. So then they'll know and understand that you've done your research on them. Okay. You want to develop sponsorship packages as well. I will say you could probably create that along with where is it? Well, along with your marketing materials as well. So you can actually develop all of that. And then you can do that in Canva, do it as a PDF when you send it over to them as an attachment and include essential information so they can better understand your company, your cost or your product. You want to add that information in there. Add testimonials from previous sponsors. So if you had someone who actually sponsor your product or someone who actually you work with as a partnership or something like that, if you haven't asked for a testimonial, ask for a testimonial as soon as possible. Preferably a video video is really good. That. Tends to convert better people watch those and ask for that and have that available as well. So when you are pitching your sponsorship to the company, you'll have those video testimonials as well. Add testimonials from previous sponsors optional. Optional and provide data about your target audience. So make sure you put in who you're targeting all the information that regarding your target audience and make sure that I can't stress this enough. Make sure that the company or the sponsor is aligned with your audience and what you're trying to sell. Okay. And also do a follow up. As well. Okay. Lisa asks are there certain questions to ask when making a request? Yeah, yeah, there are. So it's a couple of them. I'm actually showing you right now. So how to get started. If you, now it depends on, do you want to pitch directly to companies? I want you to think about that. So do you want to pitch directly to companies to influence individuals, or do you want to go through Like some sort of website software like pod bean. So it depends on which route you're trying to go. Okay. But there are certain questions that you can ask, but I will say create your, your pitch and your marketing materials first. And then if they have questions, Then you can actually answer those. Well, yes. Company's direct. Yeah. So I'm going to show you, so here's a pitch example that I have here that a company pitched to me. Okay. And just take note of this. So this was for magic mind podcast sponsorship requests. Okay. So the title here already has the company. What they're asking and the request. Okay so this part here really kind of like. I want to say earth me. I was, it was kind of like, Hey there. And I'm like, okay. A lot of people, when they send me an email, they'll say hi, Ms. Dorsey or hi, C. S. Dorsey or something like that. So I kind of like overlooked it. But when you're sending a pitch, don't say hi there. Say hi in the name. If you can't find anyone's name just, Whoever you're sending the email to, or whoever you found the, the email I would say put the company name. So, for instance, if I was to send a pitch to MagicMind, I will say, hi, MagicMind, do it like that. Okay. This person introduced herself, she said, I'm Grace, creator, partnerships, account manager at MagicMind. So, introduce yourself and who you are. I really love your podcast. Hello. See a door seat. I'm reaching out in hopes of working together as I will love to sponsor one or more of your episodes. Okay. So if they have a podcast, if you're pitching podcasts, my suggestion is to say that you love the podcast, name their podcast and mention a particular episode that is in relation to maybe you or what you're trying to offer or something like that. Okay, and then you can have this as a separate sentence. I will love to sponsor 1 or more of your episodes. Just ask him. I mean, just let them know how many episodes you would like to sponsor. Or if you are doing days or weeks you can say I will love to sponsor but you're requesting it. So it will be totally different. So it will actually be a little different. Which is pretty much the same thing here. So it will actually be like, instead of one or more episodes, if you're not pitching a podcast, it will be, I would like to I would like to sponsor. Maybe a couple of weeks of your time or state when you're launching your product or service. I hope that makes sense. Here's a question. Marketing materials, is there a format to follow for presentations? There's really not a particular format. You can actually create a media kit in Canva. Okay, you can actually do that. And Canva actually have a layout of media kits. So, here's what I'll do. And I'll create a one sheeter. It's called a one sheeter. A template in Canva for you to follow. How's that sound? Smiley face. You're welcome. I'll create a one sheeter and then how about this again? How about a quick email template? Okay. Yeah, I'll do that. Okay. I'll post it. Once I do it, I'll post it in the group. Okay. How about that? Awesome. You see, just have me doing all these, you know, all these little extra goodies for you. Okay. So back to the pitch example email. So here she said briefly on magic mind, we designed the world's first productivity drink and science back blend of matcha. And if she states the main ingredients of the product, And then work together will get you faster into a flow state. No anxiety, no jitters, just focus and productivity. So for this whole sentence, whole two sentence, she briefly explained what the product is that she is trying, they are trying to promote. Okay. So, You don't have to go into a whole like paragraph. You can take the main points of your product service, whatever you're trying to offer and do a two sentence. And then it states, would you be happy to give, Oh, would be happy to give you more details. Let me know if you, if it's of interest to you. Okay. So, Her email that she sent to me was just basically an introduction to capture my attention. Okay, to see if this is something that I'm interested in. Once I say that, yes, I'm interested in, then she sent me the whole thing. She broke everything down. I should add that on here, but she broke everything down. Okay, we were like six episodes. This is how much it's going to be. Okay. This is how I want you to mention. And it was like a four page, four or five page more information kind of type of media kit that she included. Once I read all the information, the details and everything, I was like, yes, I would like to continue. So after that, she followed up again with, okay, so these are the touch points I would like for you to mention in your podcast, so there is like, there's Definitely a chain of communication, but it apparently they had like a process, a flow of how they were doing things. It is saying everything all in one email because if they would have did, I probably would have been like, no, I'm out. But she slowly sent emails. And once I was like, yes, I would like to continue. Then she sent the next email. Email with the next information. Would you like to continue? And then there was like a sort of an agreement as well. I didn't have to sign it. I just have to say, yes, I agree. And then that's how we proceed. Okay. So it could be, even though it seemed like it may take a long time to back and forth, it was very strategic how they did it because. It was little by little so that I can learn a little bit more about them and also build a rapport With grace as well because her and I communicated every single time I had an episode if something came up. I say, hey, I'm not doing a podcast this time. I'm having a family member Emergency different things like that. So we actually build that relationship Which is very important As well. Okay. So that's how you basically can structure your email. You don't have to do a long because I'm telling you if you do a long like the intro email no one is going to read that at all. I wouldn't even read it. I've had people You know, podcast pitches for people to be guests, like almost a book. And I'm like, no, cause you're probably going to talk too much. So too much information besides you're not even in my target audience. So but keep it clean, keep it simple, keep it sweet. I'm going to create an email template for you and also a one sheeter. So I'll have that ready. And then For you guys probably within the next two weeks or so give or take because i'm actually working I'm i'll tell you guys afterwards. This is gonna be so amazing. Okay, so this is the pitch example Okay, so reaction items, of course I have to have you do some sort of homework or take action. Of course. I wouldn't be a good leader or a good mentor if I didn't. So your action items is to ask yourself, what is your goal? I want you to get it and get out a piece of paper, rewatch this over again, ask yourself, what is your goal? Okay. And then create a plan. So you want to create a plan of who you want to pitch, The companies, everything, like, if you want to pitch, maybe maybe 2 companies a week, or if you're like, Candace, I just want to get my plan out. And then I'm going to go to podcorn to actually fill out the information. Then that way, you know another thing with popcorn is as soon as when you enter your information for your sponsorship then. It will go out. It will be emailed out to podcasters who are signed up with POC, but popcorn. So I will see it as well. Cause I get an email every week. So that is the beauty and benefit of popcorn is they actually email. What new sponsorships is out this week? So yours could be one of them. Okay. Research the company and or the podcast you want to pitch to create a media kit. I'll have that one shooter for you. Create your pitch. As well, like I say, they don't put too much information, just a simple email and create your sponsorship packages as well. So I'm actually just going to do the 1 sheet. You can actually go into Canva and create how you want to do your your packages and lay that all out. Any questions, any questions, no questions. Let's see over here. Awesome. No questions. Perfect. Okay. So like I said, if you want to start, start off, sign up for pop popcorn to get started. And then you can branch off later. Then you can get really into it. Pitching to different companies and everything, but just starting off, I would definitely highly recommend do popcorn. Okay. It isn't even great. If you have a course, like, if you have a course that you have sold, or, you know, you want to kind of like, get, you know, more people knowing about your course or any type of digital product you have, definitely use popcorn. 100%. Okay. All righty. So your next steps. Okay. So if you're struggling with starting your podcast, you don't know where to start, or you're struggling with creating a content plan because you just don't have the time to do so. Definitely. Give me a call. Reach out to me. My website is to, sorry, to schedule a call with me. Go to hellosealsdorsey. com CWC. That is chat with Candace. It's hellosealsdorsey. com CWC. This is the calendar for June. So I do have some openings coming up for June. And my calendar is free, 15 minute call. If you want to talk about. Anything like, Hey, Candace, I'm thinking about starting a podcast or, Hey, Candace, I want to create the content for my podcast or my social media. I can definitely help you with that. But I just don't have time to do so any tips, any, you know, strategies or anything like that. We can definitely talk about that. I will be more than happy to help you. Okay. So that is it for that. Let me stop sharing. Yay everyone Awesome, and then i'm going to go ahead and show this down below. Okay. Alrighty, so cool things Yes Looking forward. Yes. Yes. That's me, too so a couple cool things that I have coming up that i'm sure that you guys will love so much I should just give you a preview. Let me give you a preview now of it and then i'm gonna let you guys go It's just a preview. So don't you know, it's not ready yet I'm like geeking out because i'm like, oh my god, I can't believe I created this Okay, i'm gonna show you the screen present Share screen i'm so excited. I got butterflies in my stomach. Okay. I want to present to you Well the 30 day podcast launch checklist that is blank now, but I'm actually going to have a list of everything you need to do from day one, all the way to day 30 that you can actually just check off. Okay. Check off here. there. You can actually answer in the date. So say for instance, if you started on, if you want to start working on launching your podcast on June one, you do that. You do June one, two, three, all the way for 30 days. And it's not 31 days is actually just 30 days. Okay. I'm going to be putting the information. That you need to check off for each day. And then I also have the 30 day podcast launch plan as well. So you have a podcast launch checklist that you will be checking off what you're doing each day, and you will have a launch plan as well. So the cool thing about this launch plan is you can mimic the same days. As the 31 yeah, as the, the dates that you have for your 30 day launch plan, you can plug those in here. Here, you can actually type in notes. Okay. Type in notes. And also the cool thing as well is, voila! It's a dropdown. So if this whole week you like, okay, I just want to brainstorm. Like, I just want to brainstorm my podcast topic, the launch, the whole thing you can actually put in brainstorm. Okay. So you have the day here, your little notes that you can put in and then you can put brainstorm for three days. Then from that brainstorm, you can actually say, I'm going to do planning on day four, day five. I'm going to actually record my episodes. So you put that here. You make a little note as to which episode you're recording. So you say episode one. And then you can go here, you say you're recording episode 2, however you want to. Okay, and then day 7, you can say, okay, well I'm doing all my editing from day 7 to day 9. You can list that here. And then you can list the dates and then what you need to do for each one of those days. Or what you actually doing for each one of those days and then your show notes, you can put a link to the show notes or the Google doc link, however you want to do it. So all of this is just to actually keep you organized. Okay. And then of course you have the checklist each day. I'm going to have what you're going to be doing or what you supposed to do or what you need to do for each one of those days in order for you to actually Launcher podcast on day 30. Okay. So that's what day 30 here is all about is the launch date. So this would be your go live date. Okay. This is where your everything should be scheduled out everything for this day. Well, let's get started. I wouldn't say everything your first episode should be scheduled out for this day and then you have everything else scheduled enrolled for it to go weekly. Now, for each 1 of these, I have a post launch checklist. I'll be adding that information. So this is actually the week after you launch this, your post launch. Of the things you need to start working on, like a batching up the next four episodes getting your show notes together, getting your social media together for this week. So I want to have it to where it's all, this is actually your batching week for the next month. Then that's why the next month you don't have to do anything. Everything's already done for you. Okay. Same way with here. So you would say, okay, so I'm going to work on my show notes. I'm going to do planning this day show notes. I'm going to record four episodes, however you want to do it. Okay. So I have to finish this, but I just wanted to show you guys this. This is so cool. I'm so proud of myself. I actually did this then one day and I was like, Oh, so I am like, so, so excited about this. I really am. So this is going to be really fun. Yes, wow July yeah, July July is when you're gonna start your podcast Lisa you're gonna put that on there. So yeah, I'm really excited and I'm gonna be filling in all of this information today. Hopefully I can get this out to you guys to Actually test. I just want a couple of testers and then I will be selling this so I'm giving you guys first dibs So you guys could get it first dibs for free in the group and then I will actually be launching this in another product that i'm going to be doing so yeah, so excited Awesome Okay, so I don't know why I like the screen Yes, okay. You're gonna be yes, you are gonna be launching you guys in july. Yeah, so, When I share the link definitely download it i'm only gonna have it available for a certain period of time for you guys in the group and then i'll I'm going to take it down and then I'm actually going to be adding this in another offer that I'm doing. So I'm really excited about this. And then the templates, I will try to work on and get this to you within the next couple of weeks. But I'm really happy that you are telling me what it is that you need and want. So then I'm like, okay, well, I know other people are going to need and want the same thing. So it actually gets me in motion to actually create things for you guys. And then those who are coming after you, I can actually provide that for them as well. Awesome. Any questions? I can definitely stay on here for another two, three minutes. If you have any questions, let me know. Awesomeness. Okay. No questions. All right. So if you are watching the replay, put hashtag replay. Okay. Also if you want to book a 15 minute call with me, you need support with your podcast. If you want to just flush out your podcast idea, definitely book a call with me. 15 minutes, totally free. I'm all yours. Go to healthiestdorsey. com forward slash CWC. My calendar is completely free for July. So get, definitely go ahead and get those slots before it, you know, started getting crazy. I know it's the summertime, but you just never know, you know people still working in their business. I know I am. So that is it for today. And you can definitely. You can DM me too as well. I don't mind DMs. DM if you don't want to post it up under this up on this post or if you don't want to post it in group, but if you are in the group definitely let me know. You watch this hashtag replay. If you have any questions in the group, please, please post those. Okay. This is you guys group. This is you guys you know, network, you know, talk about your struggles. If you have if you want to get any type of advice or want us to look at If you have like your graphic for your podcast and you're like, hey, I want to know what you guys think Or if you've already done your trailer For your podcast if you're like, hey, I want you guys to let you guys know I want to get your guys opinion on what how it sounds different things like that post it in the group We could do polls you're like, hey I want Everyone, I'm thinking about this particular title. Choose which one you think would be best. You can do that. Like, I'm not really, I'm not being strict on what you can do in the group. So, if you're not already in the group, go to SheLaunchesPods in the search in Facebook and request to join. Okay? It's, it's a free space. Okay? Just as long as you're not pitching your You know, constantly pitching people or harassing people. I'm totally fine with you guys posting. Okay. You can even go live in it. I love it. Video, whatever you want to do. Okay. All right. So I'm going to go ahead and end this today. And, um, oh, you said not for June. Oh, for June, not July. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. So you are launching for, oh, you are getting launched in June. Not July. Okay. All right, Lisa. I can't wait. I'm excited for you. I am so excited for you. Awesome. Okay, everybody. Goodbye.