Hello C.S. Dorsey
Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep #167: Don't put your business in the center of your life with Chu Tang
In this episode, I chat with Chu Tang.
Chu Tang is more than a health and wellness entrepreneur; she is a compassionate advocate for the well-being of busy professionals. Recognizing the struggles faced by those who give tirelessly to their work and communities, Chu is dedicated to helping them reclaim control over their health and achieve peak performance.
In 2000, a significant loss ignited Chu's transformative journey. Witnessing her dearest person die from breast cancer, she resolved to explore alternative medicine systems, driven by an unwavering determination to support her loved ones without ever feeling vulnerable and helpless. Her move to New Zealand, where she contributed to the iconic trilogy "The Lord of the Rings," cemented her new health journey. Chu continued her training in health and wellness across New Zealand, Australia, Arizona, and California.
In 2022, Chu witnessed her uncle's speech recovery from a stroke in just two hours with the light therapy patching technology! When tears gushed down my aunty’s cheeks after hearing her name again from her husband, Chu found her specific purpose: to advocate for and share the transformative health potential of the light therapy patch with people globally in more than 70 countries.
Chu firmly believes that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible. Her message is clear: never give up, as long as there's breath, there's hope!
Where to find Chu:
Website: https://www.allhealth.info/
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/chu.tang.7
Podcast: https://www.allhealth.info/podcast/discovery
Follow Me on Instagram: @csdorsey_hello
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Welcome back to another episode of the Hello C. S. Dorsey podcast. I have Chuu Tang on the podcast today. How are you doing today, Chuu? I'm doing well. Hi, everyone. Yay. This is going to be amazing. So tell everyone who you are and what you do. I'm a health and wellness entrepreneur and I'm a Lifeway brand partner. And what I do is I help people in health and also mindset. Yes, this is so awesome. I can't wait to talk about this. So let's talk about the inspiration behind you starting your business. What was that like for you? So when I was young, I, I'm like, my mom, I always want people to be healthy and. And then you know, 24 years ago, I saw how my grandma suffered with breast cancer with traditional conventional medicine. And I, it was a wake up call for me, and I really want to do something to help people so they don't have to suffer. And yeah, so, so now I'm doing it full time. So it's amazing. Amazing. I'm on this journey. Finally. So can you remember a time in your business or life where you had a hello moment? Yes. It was it was the first time I was introduced to this product because I didn't believe much of it because it looks just like a a Band Aid. And my mind was really closed. Might as well, what could a Band Aid do? So my friend gave me some sample and I put it on my uncle and he had a. a stroke previously. And after the stroke, he could not pronounce anyone's names, including my, my auntie, his wife's name. It was just one syllable, right? He, yeah, my auntie's name is Hong, but he couldn't pronounce anyone's name. So two hours after he wore the patch, He started calling his wife's name and I was like, wow, that was it. You know, it's the joy. It's the joy that when I saw how, you know, very simple little patch could, you know, help the body to sit through, you know, to heal. Interestingly before that happened, my two sister was trying to talk me out doing what I'm doing because she think, oh, you know, I'm just making money. I say, no, no, no, no, I'm, I'm really into helping people. And so they witnessed the, what happened. And they, yeah. Now support me. Oh, that's amazing. Oh, that is so cool. So I know we're going to get into in a little bit. But can you talk more about this patch? Yeah. Acupuncture without using the needle or the acupuncture point. And what it is, is it get the body to use his own body light to activate a peptide that activated stem cells. So we, we, we have stem cell, but as we get older, our stem cell gone to dormant. So what stem cell is good for us is to help. You know, a body to repair, regenerate, and then, you know, when we need a new cell type, we need to create from the stem cell, not a regular cell. So it's a very simple patch that, you know, I wear for like 12 hours a day, and it's totally non invasive. It doesn't have any chemical or drug, and it doesn't go through my skin. So it's just, It's just yeah, so it's, it's very, very convenient and also it works very well. Yeah. Yes. We love convenience. Don't we? Yeah, so let's talk about business tip for network marketing. Can you talk more on that? Yeah. So I, I was a I was new to network marketing because I have 33 years, my career in a software engineer and graphics engineer. So when I came into this field, you know, people, people would make all kinds of suggestions. So after being this field for a full time, two years, I realized that first thing is we all own our own business. So whatever people suggest, we take it with a grain of salt. Right. Because it's, it's, it's true that there's some system out there, but we still have to listen to our gut feeling. Yeah. Because when something doesn't resonate with us, I would say, don't do it. So, so someone may say, Oh, you have to like go find all your friends, your, your, your family and just promote about the product. Right. I would say, no, that's a bad idea. Right. You know, I'm not a salesperson. So, so I always take time to understand what the person need and the person may not need a patch. They may need something else. They may need friendship or some other thing, because I think we have to stay true to our goal, which is to, for me, is to help people to be happier and healthier. Yeah. So, so that is my overall tip. Listen to your gut and take your, take your suggestion, you know, with a grain of salt. I like that you don't fail to. You know, everyone, I, cause you know, some people, they keep pushing things and want to continue to, to push and push just to make that sale. And I really admire that you're not selling things or giving or suggesting things I should say to people who you feel that it really doesn't benefit them. So kudos to you for that. And I am all for like, not going to the family members first, because That's the first thing that they say with any business or whenever you start now is go to your sphere of influence. And normally it's like family and friends and you're like, yeah, no. Cause when I started anything, I don't go to them. Yeah. Yeah. I learned, I did, I did went down that route because I thought, you know, they must be right. So I listened, but then no. So I'm going to ask you a different question. What gave you the inclination that family going to your family to, you know, you know, Why you're in business or when you started your business was a no go for you. Was it like a situation where you was like, yeah, I don't think this is going to work out with family members. Yeah, because family member, first of all, they're not my business partners, right? And, and, and so it's very subjective, right? And then, and then also, you know, you're hurting relationship too. Right. Yeah. And assemble friends, several friends. My goal is I look for business partner, people who really open and, and you know, want to try the product. And I want to promote the product, but with family, it's just, it's just tough because they know me. So it's very subjective. Did I answer your question? Yes, I love this. I love it so much because like with any business starting now, they go to investors first. So, like, when you're getting ready to launch, like, maybe a software company or some kind of company or something like that, going to family members is a no go because, like you said, you know, it's like, like you said, it kind of ruins the relationship if they're investing in, like, your, you know, what you're doing. So I like the route that you went. You. Decided to go to business partners instead referral partners and different things like that because it's a, how can I say it's more of a, it's a, yes, it's a business relationship, but. Also, you don't have to worry about, you know, having that argument during Thanksgiving. It's something, you know, I learned it the hard way though. I have to say, I did walk that path to see. So I'm not, I'm not, I'm not right now. I sound like I'm really smart, but I learned it the hard way. Yeah. Because you think into yourself home, you know, it's, it's my family. I should be there for my friend. I should, you know, Connect with them and do business together when that is definitely a major. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah. So I really love your business tips. So is there any last minute advice you have for our listeners out there? Yeah, I do. I have 1 more business tip that I find it very useful is never put your business as the center of your life. Because what I mean by that is that you know, for instance, I also do a webinar to help people thinking positively. And then one person asked me, say, Oh, Chu, are you into this lifestyle positive mindset business now? I say, no, that's just my community service. And, and then I, I said, life is not the center of my business. So, don't put your business as a center of your life. That's, that's really awesome. Cause we focus so much on wanting to make things work. We focus so much on, I just need to put more hours into this. I need to focus on this. So when I focus on this and it hit, then I'll have the time to actually, you know, the family time, the freedom time, whatever, but the thing of it is, is. You can even focus on that first and then everything else will follow, you know, exactly, exactly. Yeah, family time, loving yourself, humanity, all that, that, that should, and then your core value, that should be the center of your life. So where can everyone find you? They could find me on Facebook or LinkedIn. We'll definitely those up in the show notes. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. This was very informative and thank you for giving the business tips. I should, I should name this podcast. Don't do business with family members or don't put your business in the center of your life. Yes. Oh, don't put your business in the center of your life. I love that. Awesome. Thank you so much. Thank you.